Richard's Psychic Realm

News and Developments
Richard King, Chartered Engineer, Healer, Soulmate of Lorelei, Havant, Hampshire, UK

"Past Life Tourism - Gate to Bridging Your Past and Future" by Barbara Ford-Hammond (Mirage Publishing)



News and Developments

About Me


Familiar Spirit, Sylvie and Richard Lucas

Barbara Ford-Hammond

What is Psychic?

Pre-Death Experiences

     With my Father

     With my Mother

My Other Web Sites

Site Map


These Web Sites were set up to publicise the story of Lorelei and I. You would have heard about us long ago, by other routes, but for circumstances described elsewhere, particularly Richard’s Journal.

For some reason the publicity process is slow in Hampshire, UK; as is the route to sources of business development.

Fortunately the hit rates on my Web Sites are increasing at an extremely pleasing rate.

During 2006 and 2007 there have been some developments whereby we will be more widely known.

In 2005 part of my house was turned into a television studio for a large part of one day. My "co-star", hypnotherapist travelled to Havant to join me to record a future life progression for a television programme..

In the end, the piece we recorded was not used. in some ways that was disappointing, in others a relief as the programmes were atrocious.

A more positive development was an editor, proof reader, for my book arriving on the scene; Sylvie has a story of her own and our stories have become as intertwined as our lives.

In addition, both Sylvie and I are to appear in a book written by our mutual friend, the hynoptherapist Barbara Ford-Hammond.

Sylvie's story appeared in the August 2007 issue of "Take a Break - Fate and Fortune".

Years into my travels, via Business Link Sussex/Sussex Enterprise and others, I met a businesswoman who not only understood, but had the expertise and business connections to help.

When I asked her if she could handle the story of Lorelei and I, said, "Yes. I am an old Soul" . It would greatly help if this were speeded up but, clearly, I was meant to overcome considerable difficulties in Hampshire in this lifetime. Those have been immense and long lasting, to the extent that, with the exception of the Chambers of Commerce and their "friends" I had to travel outside Hampshire to get past Hampshire, so to speak.

My technical background, experience and qualifications, combined with my psychic, non-physical abilities and connections, put me in an unusual, if not unique position, even though Lorelei does make it, more or less, unique. this Site, therefore, is meant to be more of a bridge between the spiritual and esoteric on one hand and the physical world science on the other.

The process of me moving into the public domain was greatly speeded up by me meeting Barbara Ford-Hammond in 2005 and subsequently being invited to undergo a past life regression for her book, "Past Life Tourism - Gateway to Bridging Your Past and Future". The regression was in December 2006 at Barbara's house in Newton Valence, Hampshire. a couple of weeks previously, during the latter part of November, Lorelei had told me that the businesswoman who